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JB Williams's Past Articles

375 articles

The House Cleaning has Begun!


published: April 29, 2009


79 year old five term Pennsylvania traitor Arlen Specter is the first casualty of the 2010 house cleaning. Never in US history, has the anti-incumbent sentiment been so broad and deep among frustra...

Dear anti-American Leftist Wingnut There will be NO Torture Persecutions, Dummy!


published: April 27, 2009


Those who were ignorant enough to buy into the idea that Barack Hussein Obama was American, black, Christian or moderate, clearly need a little help with proper interpretation of Obama political rh...

The TRUTH about Leftist Weenies and Waterboarding


published: April 23, 2009


Torturing the Bush administration, American soldiers and members of the U.S. Intelligence community has long been a favorite pastime of both foreign and domestic enemies of American freedom and pow...

The Token President’s Token Budget Cuts


published: April 21, 2009


Clearly, Resident-in-Thief Barack Obama’s ascension from neophyte political nobody with missing birth certificate, a blank résumé and college records more Top Secret than CIA in...

Obama’s Peeps!


published: April 19, 2009


A few weeks ago, the Obama administration made it clear to the world, that they do not consider people like Bin Laden, or organizations like Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad or Hamas, to be &ldqu...;

The Founders were 'Domestic Terrorists' According to Obama’s DHS


published: April 15, 2009


In an April 7, 2009 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) “declassified” report on the “Top Threats” to American security titled, Rightwing Extremism, DHS explains how our n...

Patriots MUST Reclaim the GOP Now Or Lose Their Nation


published: April 13, 2009


While the US press holds the nation spellbound with their BREAKING NEWS! - Obamas Welcome New White House Dog, the BIGGEST stories in American history, remain unreported. According to a recent Ras...

Naming the Enemies Within Our US Congress


published: April 10, 2009


The same old Communists, with the same old communist agenda, but a new friendlier face called “progress,” now control the US government. The time has come to name names! Think I’...

Castro’s Communist Cuba and Our Congressional Black Caucus


published: April 09, 2009


While the leftist American press kept public attention focused upon Obama’s International Apology Hajj, working around the clock to put a positive spin on Obama’s failed Throw America U...

Obama’s International Apology Hajj


published: April 08, 2009


Obama: Dear kind anti-American world, America has been terrible for 232 years. Even my wife was ashamed to be an American until recently, last November to be specific. I’m king now, my wife i...

America’s Eyes Wide Shut!


published: March 31, 2009


As each day of the new administration passes, the American taxpayer is driven deeper in debt, American savings, investment and retirement accounts lose more value, Washington DC leftists seize more...

A Revolution without a Leader


published: March 30, 2009


Two recent columns have generated millions of hits and thousands of reader comments web wide, all with a single common sentiment expressed and a single question asked... America needs a seco...

Volunteerism & Charity


published: March 27, 2009


The federally run and labor union controlled public education system has so successfully dumbed down the American population, that the average American no longer even knows the definition of the wo...

Americans Largely Silent


published: March 24, 2009


After trillions in taxpayer debt has been foolishly poured into the bottomless black hole of leftist wealth redistribution programs, under the guise of economic “stimulus” or “sta...

Obama Seeks Alliance with Enemies of Freedom


published: March 22, 2009


In an amazing gesture of gross ignorance, Resident Barack Hussein Obama sent a video message to Iran effectively begging for an ill-fated friendship with one of the most brutal regimes on earth, kn...

War Underway for America


published: March 10, 2009


The Obamanation won’t even use the term “illegal alien,” let alone criminal invader, illegal immigrant or illegitimate migrant. They prefer their politically motivated term &ldquo...;

Obama is Unifying the Nation


published: March 09, 2009


According to, only 16% of the nation strongly disapproved of Barack Hussein Obama on the day of his inauguration. That number has since become 32%, doubling during ...

Well Mr. Williams, What would you have us do?


published: March 05, 2009


When time allows, I often visit some of the key conservative sites that publish or re-publish my column, in an effort to gauge reader sentiments as events unfold. Today’s column is a direct a...

What are “the People” Thinking


published: March 04, 2009


310 million Americans have allowed 546 political pigs in Washington DC to completely destroy the greatest nation ever known to mankind. The people didn’t destroy the nation themselves, even t...

Obammigration Disaster Looms


published: March 01, 2009


13 to 25 million illegal migrants live, work, attend school, receive free health care, and feed at the public trough in America today, all at enormous expense to national sovereignty, national secu...

Are the States About to Slap the Runaway Fed Down to Constitutional Size?


published: February 26, 2009


On February 5, 2009, I released a column titled New Hampshire Leads Next American Revolution! At the time, only a handful of states had introduced legislative efforts to reclaim state sovereignty u...

Tax Evasion vs. Tax Revolt Secession vs. Revolution


published: February 24, 2009


America is certainly headed for very difficult times and from investors to employers to employees and retirees, people of all political stripes are beginning to react to an overbearing federal gove...

Obama’s Failing Economic Recovery Plan


published: February 20, 2009


Despite trillions in so-called “economic stimulus” efforts from Washington elites, economic experts continue to predict “tougher times ahead and more stimulus needed.” Democ...

It’s Time for American Freedom Fighters to Unite


published: February 18, 2009


For almost eighty years now, Washington DC has wasted the labors of the people under the false pretense of taking care of them. Over the last seventy years, America has gone from the most peaceful ...

Every American will Pay


published: February 16, 2009


In 2008, Americans foolishly used their freedom to vote for “chains” not “change.” Life, property, speech and guns, are at the foundation of American freedom and the corrup...

JB Williams Articles

JB Williams

375 articles
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JB Williams is a writer on matters of history and American politics with more than 3000 pieces published over a twenty-year span. He has a decidedly conservative reverence for the Charters of Freedom, the men and women who have paid the price of freedom and liberty for all, and action oriented real-time solutions for modern challenges. He is a Christian, a husband, a father, a researcher, writer and a business owner. He is co-founder of action organizations The United States Patriots Union, a civilian parent organization for The Veteran Defenders of America. He is also co-founder of The North American Law Center, a citizen run investigative legal research and activism organization preparing to take on American's greatest legal battles. Williams receives mail at:



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