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Time for REAL Change

A Congressional Rich White Guy Caucus?

by: jb williams | published: 09 24, 2008

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All this recent talk about “change” got me thinking.... Maybe the time has come to establish a Congressional Rich White Guy Caucus for the purpose of defending America’s real minority group, taxpayers, currently under constant attack. Rich white guys - that top 5% of American producers that Obama’s leftists want to put out of business, just because they hate freedom, liberty and capitalism, - just because with your help, they can.

Democrats learned nothing else from Thomas Jefferson, but they certainly learned this... “A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.” Democratic Socialists have been working for decades now, by hook and crook, to muster 51% popular support for their relentless quest to take away the rights of the other 49%, “taxpayers” – aka, rich white guys and girls...

We all know that if we don’t fall in line behind the most under-qualified individual to ever seek the Oval Office, it’s an act of “racism.” We know this because the Congressional Black Caucus and all of their parrots have been telling us so ever since the first “black” (about 1/16 African, 1/2 white atheist communist and 7/16 Arab) presidential campaign was launched.

But truth be told, blacks are no longer the most disenfranchised minority group in America today. Rich white guys are and they are everybody’s target of opportunity. Where’s the ACLU when you really need them?

The Obama campaign has publicly announced its intention to single out 5% of the American population (those who already pay more than 60% of all taxes in the U.S.) and use the power of the federal government to confiscate even more private property for the Democratic Socialist vision of a greater good. Democrats need the support of at least 51% of American voters (legal, fraudulent, duplicate and dead voters will apply) in order to take away the rights of the other 49%. That’s “Democratic Socialism,” and this is the foundation of today’s Democrat Party and the Obama campaign.

Millionaire VP candidate Joe Biden has never given even ½ of 1% of his personal income in charity. But he calls those who now pay half of their income, more than 60% of all taxes in the U.S., “unpatriotic” if they refuse to pay even more. Obama’s charitable history is no better.

The Obama campaign defines the 50% of Americans who currently pay less than 3% of all taxes collected “generous,” as they call the other 50% who currently pay more than 97% of all taxes “greedy.”

Out of gross ignorance, some 90% of black voters will vote for Barack Obama even if he is caught raping and plundering between now and Election Day. They will do so on the basis of his skin color. Yet this is not an act of racism you understand. Only those who will not vote for Obama are racists, no matter how well defined and valid their reasons.

Black voters, at the direction of their Congressional Black Caucus, will support Obama no matter what, simply on the basis that he is “black.” Not because he represents “America,” but because he represents “black America,” or so they believe.

Meanwhile, the real American minority is targeted for complete extinction.

We don’t need an all White Entertainment Television Channel, or an all White Miss America Pageant. But with congress currently under the leftist grip of the Congressional Black Caucus and their Democratic Socialist of America friends in the Progressive Democrat (Socialist) Caucus, maybe the time has come for a check and balance caucus in congress.

It may be time for tax paying Americans to form a Congressional Rich White Guy Caucus to defend all American taxpayers against the continued corrupt tyrannical attacks on the most defenseless Americans who currently pick up the tab for all the Democratic Socialism already in existence.

We need a congressional caucus that protects the interests of the 50% of Americans who pick up 97% of the tab in this country.

Martin Luther King envisioned a colorblind nation where the color of one’s skin was of no significance at all. A nation where our family lineage was far less important than the choice our families made to become American. A place where people from all corners of the globe assimilated into one people, united by one common idea, FREEDOM!

But the leftist quest for free stuff has hijacked and perverted King’s movement into just the opposite. It has become a never-ending quest for access to the earnings of others.

If recent news reports that 30% of Democrat voters won’t support Obama due to his skin color are in fact true, that’s a sad statement. There are much better reasons to not support Obama, Biden, Clinton or any other Democratic Socialist.

But the fact that 90% of black voters will support him on the basis of his skin color is equally sad and wrong. BOTH are acts of racism!

However, because there is a Progressive Democrat Caucus, we must have a Conservative Taxpayers Caucus. And because there is a Congressional Black Caucus, we need a Rich White Guy Caucus to defend America’s new minority, the American taxpayer, currently defenseless against the ongoing class warfare used to exploit lower income Americans and tyrannize America’s most productive and charitable citizens.

And yes, I realize that this too makes me a “racist,” according to the most racially motivated voters on earth.

But unlike today’s black socialist movement always in search of more free handouts, I believe what Martin Luther King believed. If I’m a racist, so was Martin Luther King.

Since the left will not stop exploiting Democrat parrots, the right must unite in opposition. If the right stands divided as independent individuals, they will fall to a united left.

I’m not a preacher like Rev. Wright, but Obama and the entire secular socialist left sure need one good day of Sunday School....

  • I am the Lord your God(This was not referring to Barack Hussein Obama)
  • You shall have no other gods before me(Including Barack Hussein Obama)
  • You shall not make for yourself an idol(This includes you Obama)
  • You shall not murder - (This includes Aborticide)
  • You shall not steal(Even via your elected government)
  • You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor(Including in your political campaign)
  • You shall not covet your neighbor's house(or his earnings)

Obama and his leftists are not only at odds with what the Founders designed, they are at odds with seven of the Ten Commandments at the foundation of our Founders design, which most leftists falsely claim to believe in.

It’s no more complicated than this. Those who understand the fundamental difference between right and wrong must unite to get this election right! Those who don’t must learn!     

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