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The Left Is Rude, Crude, and Lewd – They Can't Help Themselves

by: tim dunkin | published: 10 23, 2012

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What's the difference between the Vice President of the United States and a five-year old with ADHD? The five-year old has the good sense to take his Ritalin before appearing on national television. Along with millions of my fellow Americans, I witnessed last Thursday's vice-presidential debate between Joe Biden and his challenger, Paul Ryan. And like many of these same Americans, I was alternately appalled and embarrassed by the boorish behavior of Vice-President Joe Biden, whose childish actions throughout the allotted time seemed so out of sync with the high office that he occupies. In an apparent bid to appear “tough” and “passionate,” Biden constantly interrupted Ryan as he tried to lay out his positions and make his arguments. It was almost as if Biden thought that the best way to nullify his opponent's facts and logic was to keep him from presenting them. At one point, we were treated to the spectacle of the Vice President laughing about the prospect of nuclear war . Some speculate that Biden followed this approach to the debate as a means of compensating for the extremely lackluster performance given by his boss in the first presidential debate eight days earlier; the leftist base of the Democrat Party wanted more “aggressiveness” from its standard bearers (the President was criticized earlier for being too timid, for allowing Romney to “get away with” dirty debating tactics like “having a command of the facts” and “being able to speak clearly.”) They got what they wanted, though I must admit, it is debatable whether it was really a good idea to send the Vice President out on stage acting in such a way as to remind women voters of their emotionally abusive ex-boyfriends.

But, as anyone who has observed them over the past few decades can agree, this is par for the course with many on the the Left. For a bunch of people who constantly cry about the “divisive” tone in American politics and who never miss the opportunity to accuse conservatives and Republicans of “polarizing,” these folks on the Left sure do seem to go out of their way to be as nasty, abusive, and divisive as possible. Whether it’s the President of the United States trying to surreptitiously give the middle fingerto John McCain in 2008 (lest you think it an accident, he also did it to Hillaryduring the primaries – these people even eat their own), a nationally known columnist comparing conservatives to cockroaches(something which leftists have even said about Latinos who vote Republican), or a school bus driver telling a 12-year old child whose parents support Romney that he should have been aborted , the Left simply does not have it within themselves to actually engage in a civil debate about the issues and the direction of this country.

Now, as we all know why this is: the Left is so devoid of facts, reason, and actual arguments for their positions that they naturally have to resort to name-calling and other crudities as a means of distracting from their inadequacies. This is why Alinsky invented the whole strategy of “fixing, polarizing, and neutralizing” a selected target through mockery and psychological intimidation in his Rules for Radicals . He knew that his side was incapable of competing cognitively, so he instructed them to resort to other means. In this respect, leftists reflect that reptilian sort of psychology that drives playground bullies who hassle the class nerd for being more successful than they are. Of course, leftists can rarely get physical about it – as I’m sure many of them would like to – since conservatives are able to shoot back, and our consumption of massive amounts of red meat gives us a musculature that is hard to match on a diet consisting of granola and soy milk. Yet, the basic intent is the same – to intimidate people from excelling them in facts and reason, and ultimately, to try to prevent us from outvoting them on November 6.

The Left simply cannot allow truth to escape the confines of a conservative’s brain, so they have to suppress it one way or another, like some sort of Black Panther standing in front of a polling place trying to suppress the vote.

Hence, Biden’s performance at the debate, which the Left thought was absolutely spot-on, while normal, sane people thought it was ridiculous. Even in Tuesday night’s presidential debate the moderator, Candy Crowley, could not contain herself from rushing to Obama’s side and trying to pin Romney with an inappropriately timed “fact check” designed to protect the President from taking damage on an issue that is acting as a serious drag on his re-election chances. Breaking the debate’s own rules, as well as the basic premise of the role that a “moderator” in a debate is supposed to fulfill, she “corrected” Romney by essentially joining with Obama in affirming that the White House had been calling the Benghazi terrorist attacks “terrorism” from the very beginning (as opposed to hemming and hawing and blaming it on unorganized mobs angry about a YouTube video). Of course, this was untrue, as she admitted an hour later , but the simple fact is that this was not merely a case of being over-excitedly mistaken, since this same journalist had been grilling David Axelrod on September 30 about why it took so long for the Administration to admit that Benghazi was pre-meditated terrorism. Crowley knew that her “fact check” was false – but chose to forge ahead with rudely interjecting it into the debate she was supposed to be refereeing, because she simply could not allow Romney to score points on this issue. As a result, she derailed the whole debate and unmasked herself for what we all knew she was anywise – a crude partisan hack masquerading as an “objective” journalist.

Now, one would think that Ms. Crowley would have said to herself, “Wait a second. Just three weeks ago, I was making the President’s senior advisor squirm by asking him the very same question Romney is asking now. For credibility’s sake, maybe I shouldn’t do this.” But she couldn’t help herself. This leads us to another trait that seems to characterize many on the Left and which explains why they are the way they are – they have no self-control. Even when they ought to know that their behavior is going to blow up in their faces, they have such hatred and disdain for their opponents that the reptilian brain overrides the higher functions. You would think that they’d be smart enough to figure out that calling us cockroaches, and telling us we should have been aborted, and flipping us the bird, and everything else they do would not intimidate us or make us stay home, but would instead have the opposite effect – it galvanizes our resolve to get out there and beat them electorally and rhetorically. But it never occurs to them. They really believe they can intimidate us with their bile and vitriol.

It didn’t work in 2004, when “Supreme Solar Allah,” the son of Democrat congresswoman Gwen Moore, was slashing the tires on Republican Party owned vans in Milwaukee, nor did it work when the lefties vandalized peoples’ properties, made death threats on Twitter, shot out the window glass at Republican candidates’ campaign headquarters, or any of the other tolerant, non-divisive methods of democratic political activism that many of these folks seem to prefer.

Let’s face it – there are a goodly number of leftists in this country who are just unpleasant people, in just about every way. Have you ever wondered why it is that workers have to sweep up literally tons of trash after an “Occupy” rally, while Tea Partiers generally leave a venue cleaner than when they arrived? Why is it that the organizers never have to warn participants to guard against sexual assaults at a Tea Party meeting, which can’t be said for the Occupiers? There are a lot of people on the hard Left who are simply dirty people, inside and out.

Even many of those who aren’t hard-core Occupy-type leftists are still rude and angry people, looking for an opportunity to lash out at their enemies in a personal way. Living where I do (Chapel Hill, North Carolina), I have the opportunity to interact with lefties every day. My observation has been that the more obviously someone is a leftist, the more bitter and angry they seem to be. I can guess someone’s political leanings with a fair degree of accuracy simply by looking at how hard they are frowning and pursing their lips. Granted, there’s not a whole lot for lefties to be happy about these days, what with Romney taking the lead in the polls and the preference cascade continuing to move his way. Yet, in any setting – whether going on door to door visitation with my church or simply dealing with people at the grocery store – there seem to be a lot of irate, incensed people on the Left. Maybe it comes from holding to an ideology which naturally views other people as being stupid herds animals in need of the Left’s enlightened guidance, coupled with the frustration that comes when those other people don’t submit themselves to that guidance? Who knows?

Needless to say, we as conservatives and liberty-lovers cannot allow the Left to coerce us into being silent, not voting, and otherwise rescuing this country from them. Every snide attack from the news media ought to cause us to redouble our efforts at electing conservatives and pushing our agenda forward. Every time we have a yard sign stolen or vandalized, we ought to send another $10 to the candidate featured on the sign (assuming, of course, that you’re able to and are not one of the 23 million victims of the Obama economy). When a leftist calls you names, download another page of a phone list and make some calls for Romney in a swing state. It’s that simple. While the Left lies, cheats, steals, calls names, threatens, and bullies, we can do what comes natural to us – which is work hard, apply ourselves intelligently, and compete to win. Don’t let the Left win either the psychological or the electoral battle.

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