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Social Justice: The Politically Correct Assault on Freedom

by: jb williams | published: 01 12, 2010

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Evil is often sold under the friendliest of terms and atop the list of truly evil but friendly sounding 21st Century political initiatives is the pop cult concept known as “social justice.” Today, this concept flows freely from the lips of the US President, congressional leaders, Ivy League professors, Hollywood elites, the news media and the average college student.

While terms like communism and socialism were once cause for a public lynching in the United States of America, the same concepts and principles have found favor in recent years under the term “social justice.” But what is “social justice?”

Wikipedia suggests that the term “social justice” was a Catholic moral concept coined by the Jesuit Luigi Taparelli in the 1840s. Absent in the Wiki description of the term, is the fact that it was author of the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx, who actually gave birth to the term. Marketing the term in a Christian nation like America, would be much easier if thought to be a Christian concept, rather than a term consistent with the Communist Manifesto.

But even the history of Marx recorded in the Plato entries at Stanford, omits the personal life of a man who can only be described as a parasite.

Marx was a bright man, who studied law in Bonn and Berlin, and then wrote a PhD thesis in Philosophy, comparing the views of Democritus and Epicurus. As the Stanford papers correctly record, “On completion of his doctorate in 1841 Marx hoped for an academic job, but he had already fallen in with too radical a group of thinkers and there was no real prospect. Turning to journalism, Marx rapidly became involved in political and social issues, and soon found himself having to consider communist theory.”

But again, the Stanford papers stop short of explaining why Marx found himself embracing the concepts of communism. He was a parasite…

Marx was the father of seven children, at least one of them, his only son, the illegitimate son of his wife’s maid-servant from an illicit affair. Only four of his seven children lived to adulthood because Marx simply refused to care for his children. Marx was himself, a kept man, living off of his common co-author Frederick Engels who was living off of his father’s labor, as the son of a wealthy industrialist. Marx never even claimed his only son, Frederick. Engel’s disclosed that secret on his death bed and the Marx family history is one of deprived childhoods and multiple subsequent suicides.

Yet, unlike many more aggressive and violent communists in history, Marx was somewhat passive. He wrote that “Democracy is the road to socialism,” and he argued that “capitalism will end through the organized actions of an international working class.” (Referred to by Marx as the proletariat or proletarian.)

His teachings found favor within the international labor movements and today, they are the foundation of the labor union movement, the green movement and the radical racial community organizing movements in the United States.

The term “social justice” is a 21st Century synonym for “communism” – “socialism” and “Marxism.”

Social Justice is NOT about any form of Justice

Just as communism is not some progressive liberating form of freedom, social justice is not some form of justice.

There is no greater form of social justice on earth than that of individual freedom and liberty, the right to determine one’s own destiny. Marx’s Communist Manifesto was a call to arms for communists and socialists around the globe, - “Workers of the World Unite!” It was a time for communists to come out of the closet and openly state their will…

Roughly a hundred years later, we see these concepts emerge in the United States.

1. WE WANT freedom. We want power to determine the destiny of our Black Community.
that black people will not be free until we are able to determine our destiny.

2. WE WANT full employment for our people.
that the federal government is responsible and obligated to give every man employment or a guaranteed income. We believe that if the white American businessmen will not give full employment, then the means of production should be taken from the businessmen and placed in the community so that the people of the community can organize and employ all of its people and give a high standard of living.

3. WE WANT an end to the robbery by the CAPITALIST of our Black Community.
that this racist government has robbed us and now we are demanding the overdue debt of forty acres and two mules. Forty acres and two mules was promised 100 years ago as restitution for slave labor and mass murder of black people. We will accept the payment in currency which will be distributed to our many communities. The Germans are now aiding the Jews in Israel for the genocide of the Jewish people. The Germans murdered six million Jews. The American racist has taken part in the slaughter of over fifty million black people; therefore, we feel that this is a modest demand that we make.

4. WE WANT decent housing, fit for the shelter of human beings.
that if the white landlords will not give decent housing to our black community, then the housing and the land should be made into cooperatives so that our community, with government aid, can build and make decent housing for its people.

5. WE WANT education for our people that exposes the true nature of this decadent American society. We want education that teaches us our true history and our role in the present-day society.
in an educational system that will give to our people a knowledge of self. If a man does not have knowledge of himself and his position in society and the world, then he has little chance to relate to anything else.

6. WE WANT all black men to be exempt from military service.
that Black people should not be forced to fight in the military service to defend a racist government that does not protect us. We will not fight and kill other people of color in the world who, like black people, are being victimized by the white racist government of America. We will protect ourselves from the force and violence of the racist police and the racist military, by whatever means necessary.

7. WE WANT an immediate end to POLICE BRUTALITY and MURDER of black people.
we can end police brutality in our black community by organizing black self-defense groups that are dedicated to defending our black community from racist police oppression and brutality. The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States gives a right to bear arms. We therefore believe that all black people should arm themselves for self- defense.

8. WE WANT freedom for all black men held in federal, state, county and city prisons and jails.
that all black people should be released from the many jails and prisons because they have not received a fair and impartial trial.

9. WE WANT all black people when brought to trial to be tried in court by a jury of their peer group or people from their black communities, as defined by the Constitution of the United States.
that the courts should follow the United States Constitution so that black people will receive fair trials. The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution gives a man a right to be tried by his peer group. A peer is a person from a similar economic, social, religious, geographical, environmental, historical and racial background. To do this the court will be forced to select a jury from the black community from which the black defendant came. We have been, and are being tried by all-white juries that have no understanding of the "average reasoning man" of the black community.

10. WE WANT land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice and peace. And as our major political objective, a United Nations supervised plebiscite to be held throughout the black colony in which only black colonial subjects will be allowed to participate, for the purpose of determining the will of black people as to their national destiny.

From the 1966 Black Panther Party Ten Point Platform. (Republished in 1995 by the Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM) See also: "The Black Panther Ten-Point Program." The North American Review, July-Aug. 1968, pp: 16-17.

Today we see these concepts in ACORN, which is the evolution of the Black Panther movement, the ACLU and the White House. They are the foundation of every policy initiative rolling out of the Congressional Black Caucus and the Congressional Progressive Caucus, both of which are legislative arms of the Democratic Socialists of America, formed by the Communist Party USA and Socialist Party USA as their tool operating within America’s two party system via the Democratic Party.

The High Price of Social Justice is Freedom

We see the principles and values of “social justice” in the judicial branch, where right and wrong, or even legal and illegal, are trumped by “social conscience.”

Illegal immigration is deemed “legal” on the basis of “social justice,” no matter what the laws say. Known terrorists are afforded US civil rights in criminal courts, complete with taxpayer funded defense lawyers, while American soldiers are tried in military courts for following government orders during a time of war, all in the name of “social justice.”

Personal prosperity and property are confiscated by the government, in the name of “social justice,” and in the end, individual freedom and liberty are denied any American, in the name of “social justice.”

Yet many Americans embrace “social justice” as a progressive notion, far more “fair” than freedom and liberty.

And as a result, Marx was right… Democracy is the road to socialism, once a nation has been trained to vote itself gifts from the public trough, in the name of “social justice.”

But social justice comes at a great expense… For the nation or the world to be “socially just,” it must trade individual freedom and liberty for the right to “equal stuff.”

“Social justice is based on the concepts of human rights and equality and involves a greater degree of economic egalitarianism through progressive taxation, income redistribution, or even property redistribution, policies aimed toward achieving that which developmental economists refer to as more equality of opportunity and equality of outcome than may currently exist in some societies or are available to some classes in a given society.” (from Wikipedia)

To achieve social justice, Americans must be willing to trade the following Christian concepts upon which their entire way of life was built…

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” – Our Declaration of Independence

The concepts of individual freedom, liberty and unalienable individual rights cannot coexist with the concepts of “social justice,” for there is no means by which to provide “social justice” which does not trample on the individual rights of some, for benefit of others.

Do not confuse charity with tyranny. Charity is an individual act which requires the consent of the giver. Tyranny is when a governing power defines and enforces charitable giving against your will. Progressive taxation is also known as punitive taxation, or taxation without representation.

Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories.” – Thomas Jefferson

Our founding fathers did not say – “Give me social justice or give me death…”

“It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace-- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” – Patrick Henry




  • Reply to this comment

    I.R. Weebles

    Try this:

    Absent in your unscholarly and unresearched tirade and rant are the following FACTS:

    1) Luigi Taparelli coined the term "social justice" and his ideas inspired the encyclical Rerum Novarum.

    2) The Rerum Novarum gave birth to the modern conservative foundational pillars of distributism and subsidiarity.

    3) Subsidiarity is the idea that when the family, church and local charity can take care of local concerns the government should stay out of it. Same as the Founding Fathers local self-government.

    4) Distributism is the idea that capital/property should be under the ownership of as many people as possible. Distributism was a DIRECT confrontation to socialism. See Jefferson and Madison's identical views.

    5) G. K. Chesterson, a giant of 19th century conservative philosophy, was directly involved in the formulation of the concepts of distributism and subsidiarity and was a vocal proponent of the Rerum Novarum encyclical.

    Your bitter and hasty tome fails at expounding the truth and fails at coming to the rescue and defense of the 19th century giants of our conservative heritage.

    You have effectively given the win to the socialists who have hijacked the term "social justice" that was created by conservatives and in support of conservatism.

    I hope your diatribes are merely for hobby and you are not being paid to promulgate such drivel as contained in this "article".

    I am feeling gracious and grant you a C-.

    You are now free to go back to watching Beck and being "educated".

    Have a nice day.


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