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Shot Gun Approach

by: armand c. hale | published: 05 23, 2011

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The world did not come to an end this week end (darn it) and I will be on my way to work to pay the staggering cost it takes to fill my American made car with gasoline! If gas prices keep going up I will stay home and not work. Why? I can’t make a living! I don’t have the luxury of printing my own money like Washington D.C. can! A lot to read folks so here goes pulling the trigger! Our object is not to get along. Our object is to win! (JMJ)

MK Katz Warns AIPAC, ‘Obama Put a Gun to Israel’s Head’!"

Posted on Israel National News-By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu-On May 22, 2011: “Don’t fall for U.S. President Barack Obama’s magical oratory. View the link here please.  

From Joe Miller Chairman, Western Representation PAC

On May 16, 2011, the statutory national debt ceiling of $14.294 trillion ($14,294,000,000,000.00) was reached, igniting a political firestorm over whether to raise the limit and allow the federal government to bury itself in trillions more in debt. Obama's Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner warns of doomsday if we don't allow more borrowing, suggesting the United States “could” default on its obligations for the first time in history and create a global economic collapse.

Under current budget projections, Federal government spending will increase the debt level to an astounding $16.5 trillion ($16,500,000,000,000.00) by the end of next year. Most Americans understand that spending more than one takes in results in financial disaster on a personal level. Only the government’s ability to print money and influence interest rates allows it to forestall similar disaster on the national level, but only for a limited time.

Anyone who has filled a car with gas or purchased groceries recently has felt the creeping inflation resulting from our devalued dollar, "quantitative easing," and other failed Federal policies. Politicians and the Main Stream Media proudly declare that inflation is in check; but there is something they are not telling us. To make the numbers look better than reality, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is manipulated by minimizing changes from food and fuel, allowing our leaders to hide the truth that inflation is here and growing at an alarming pace. If our government continues with irresponsible spending and economic policies, we may ultimately see hyperinflation that dwarfs the inflation problems of the failed Carter presidency.

Despite our massive debt, I am not naïve enough to think that Congress will refuse to raise the debt ceiling. However, we must pressure our elected officials to use this as leverage to pass significant, lasting spending cuts as a condition of increasing the debt. We must stand with those leaders courageous enough to tell the truth to the American people knowing they will be demonized in the main stream press.

Stand with us to support Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Rep. Allen West (R-FL), Rep Ron Paul (R-TX) and a short list of other members of Congress with the guts to tell it like it is. It is our children’s future that is the real victim of reckless government spending. View link here.

Fighting back against Obama Labor Board From Mark Mix, National Right to Work Foundation;

I spoke with members of the media in Charleston, South Carolina, where the Obama National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) wants to shut down Boeing's Dreamliner production line. The NLRB issued a complaint against Boeing for creating over 1000 jobs in Right to Work South Carolina rather than Washington, where International Association of Machinists union bosses can force workers into dues-paying ranks. WSCS Live 5 News highlighted the Foundation's free legal aid program and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request against the NLRB. Watch the link here. 

Soros billions controlling and reshaping the news you hear. From David Martin, Executive Vice President Grassroots Action, Inc.

George Soros controls the very people who were put in charge to control the media! This is a group whose membership reads like a media "Who's Who" including: Brent Jones of USA Today, Alicia Shepard, NPR, Patrick Pexton, The Washington Post, Deirdre Edgar of the Los Angeles Times. As BMI points out, liberal academic programs, left-wing investigative journalism and supposedly neutral news organizations, each being funded by a man who despises the right, and seeks to take down the U.S.A.!

Based on MRC's series of profiling reports, Soros' plan is both obvious and frightening. But will Americans rise up and confront the Soros threat? The MRC is taking aggressive action. Our analysts and researchers are committed to exposing Soros' agenda, but we a depending on every member of our team to stand against what Soros represents to our nation! If you haven't yet signed our national petition, we urge you to take immediate action with us by clicking here.

After signing, take this message and use it as a warning alarm, blasting out across the nation stirring those citizens who are unaware of the threat embodied in George Soros. Left unchecked, Soros has the means to destroy our freedom and our way of life! That's why right now, we must leverage our petition against the left-wing media, bludgeoning them with the truth about Soros, and alerting the nation to this terrible threat!

From Blogger Errol Phillips;

          "Whenever you see or hear the words 'Federal Funds' remember that means 'Taxpayer Funds.' Another priority of Obama is the Pushing for Muslim influence and importance

          wherever and whenever he can. You see, to him Muslim Influence and Importance is more important than American Influence and Importance."

From "Conrad the Patriot"

          "Veterans Administration is destroying veteran claim files to avoid processing claims and save the government money as it pays employees cash bonuses to save agency

          money as well. Disabled Veterans returning from war are being denied legal claims by this action." View report here. 


          "Knowledge is, in every country, the surest basis of public happiness."

          George Washington, First Annual Message, 1790

I put the new freshmen congressman on notice for Lt. Col Lakin

Dr. Terry Lakin was released after serving most of his sentence. He still got screwed by the system and the Army Col protected the usurper rather than see justice done. I am interested in seeing how that judge's career is progressing since his trial. That judge violated every manner of justice for Lakin in protecting the usurper. Read the WND report here.   

From Mr. "T" in Texas

          "With this administration, you can't believe anything that they say. So it is a very good possibility he is not dead. The only thing the chosen one has done with all his press

          was to bring the SEALs out of the dark and into the light where they now have to worry about their families being targeted for their involvement in the raid. But then, the 

          SEALs should have known what could happen if they stated to be involved in press conferences. But the more Press that is given to it, the more he Bin Laden becomes a

          hero for his factions. We need to let the focus on this die out and move on."

From Denise in Texas;

I was getting orange juice and Denise, the casher said that there is no proof that, BIN LADIN is dead. She was responding to my comment on Rep. King having hearings on the BIN LADIN deal. Editors post script: Bin Laden's death did not bring gas, food and unemployment down in American. How long can "Obama" run on that?

Where is my waiver?!

Restaurants, Cafes in Pelosi's District Eat Up Health Care Law Waivers. Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco district was the hands-down winner in the latest set of health care law waivers announced by the Obama administration. More than three dozen businesses with locations in Pelosi's district were granted temporary exemptions from the law in April, according to information released by the Department of Health and Human Services. The businesses mostly restaurants and cafes, with a few upscale hotels and clubs mixed in accounted for about 20 percent of all waivers granted last month.

Pelosi's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment. It was unclear why so many of the affected businesses were in her district, though HHS says it determines its waiver policy based on whether businesses can prove they need them to avoid "a large increase in premiums or a significant decrease in access to coverage." Pelosi was among the most vocal champions of the health care law as she and other Democrats helped shepherd it through Congress in 2009 and 2010.

Nevada, the state represented by Pelosi's then-counterpart on the other side of Capitol Hill, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, also just received a partial exemption from a provision in the law requiring companies to spend at least 80 percent of premium money on medical care and related expenses. HHS will allow Nevada to keep that rate at 75 percent in 2011, out of concern that major insurers could otherwise withdraw.

The waivers in Pelosi's district pertained to a different requirement in the health care law dealing with annual benefit limits. The latest set brings the total number of such exemptions since the law's implementation to 1,372 nationwide. More than 3 million people are enrolled in plans affected by these waivers. On the list of San Francisco businesses with a reprieve were The Stinking Rose, an Italian restaurant; TRU Spa, a day spa in the city; and the upscale Hotel Nikko. Daily Caller first reported on the exemptions in Pelosi's district.

Steve Larsen, director of the administration's Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight, said in a statement that the waivers were deemed vital to workers in the service sector. "These temporary waivers are necessary to help ensure that the waiters, dishwashers, maids, home health aides, and other hardworking people can keep the health coverage they have, while we transition to 2014, when they will have access to affordable coverage in a competitive marketplace," he said.

But the latest list quickly raised questions among Republicans. Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, said in a statement that the waivers are a "tacit admission that the health care law is fundamentally flawed." "Despite the president's promise, it appears that just because you like your health care plan does not mean that the administration will allow you to keep it," Upton said.

Newly seated Nevada Sen. Dean Heller also said the Nevada waiver exposes the law's flaws. "It is clear that the unique health care needs of individual states were not taken into consideration, and this is why Obama-care will not work for Nevada," he said in a statement. The waivers are not intended to be permanent. The waivers granted to the San Francisco businesses last for one year at a time, and are meant to exempt certain companies from rules that restrict annual benefit limits.

For 2011, the law prohibits most health plans from setting an annual benefit limit lower than $750,000 per individual policyholder. The law would eventually end annual limits, but in the meantime allows companies to apply for a waiver if they still have limits lower than the law allows. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney stressed Tuesday that the waivers "will no longer exist" by 2014. "It's basically a bridging mechanism," Carney said. He also said that fewer than 100 waiver applications have been denied so far. The exemptions are meant to "protect coverage for these workers," according to HHS.

Recent college grads sour on Obama

Hope and Change just hasn't worked out for the recent college grads. The far left is mad, students are dropping him. Where's he going to get votes? A very large proportion of recent university graduates have soured on Obama, and many will vote GOP or stay at home. Read the link here.

Gene Simmons Slams Obama on His Anti-Israel Policy

Watch Gene Simmons slam Obama's Israel policy, the UN and gun control. Who would have thought. Think he's been talking to Ted Nugent? Watch and let us know what you think! Discussion posted by Admin II/Promotions, Dee ******Language Alert****** (but it is bleeped out) Mr. Simmons also did this Salute to the Military! It was posted it last Memorial Day,. Discussion link: Gene Simmons Slams Obama on His Anti-Israel Policy (yeah, that Gene Simmons)View Gene Simmons here. 

More on REWARDING GOOD FOR EVIL: 16 Important Facts About Jews, Arabs and Israel. Israel became a state circa 1030 B.C., more than two millennia before Islam. Read this eye opening report here

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