Conservative Book Club

Please Remove Your Sex From My Face

by: nancy morgan | published: 06 29, 2009

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It used to be that forcing sex on an unconsenting adult was considered rape. No longer. Now personal, deviant and x-rated sex is quickly becoming commonplace in the public square.

In just the last week, this occupant of the 'public square' has been treated to images best confined to the pages of porn magazines. Images and acts that are popping up regularly on billboards, television, the internet and pages of major publications.

Calvin Klein, in their latest breach of good taste, launched a huge billboard in SoHo showing four languid, half-dressed models engaging in group sex. That billboard managed to be more offensive than Calvin Klein's last campaign, which featured half-clad dead bodies. I guess porno and death sell jeans. Go figure.

Not to be outdone, Burger King just released their new 'Super 7 Incher' ad, equating burgers with acts that are best kept private. Absent from the ad was any hint of subtlety. Apparently Burger King believes that appealing to your sexual appetite will titillate you into buying their burgers. Or something.

Moving right along, this weekend San Francisco celebrated sexual 'diversity' with the 39th annual Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride Parade & Festival. This fun festival includes a Dyke March and the annual Castro Street Dance hosted by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. If last years' Festival is any indicator, nudity and sex will be prominently featured. In the public square.

Ditto New York. Last weekend, New York played host to the Folsom-East Deviant Sex-Fest. Again, homosexual bondage, fisting and the casual swapping of bodily fluids played out in the public square. Lewdness laws were suspended for the duration. Just imagine the outcry if that were a terrorist receiving electro shock instead of an American citizen intent on displaying his sexual habits and his genitals in public.

These increasingly public displays of sex that many now claim as a right, portray sex as the mere indulgence of a fleeting impulse instead of an act that used to be associated with love. Sex, which is considered private and sacred by most Americans, is now being brought down to the level of a crude bathroom joke. And its being done smack dab in the middle of the public square, where channel changers and radio dials are of no use.

Last week Apple decided to cash in on the sexual tsunami by supplying porn to Iphone users. Since we are still a capitalist country, (for now, at least) this is Apple's right. Just as it is the right of consumers to choose not to download their porn. A choice that is increasingly being denied many Americans as smut, porn and casual sex become staples of more advertising campaigns. As more 'gay pride' events take place in ever more public places. As more and more Americans ascribe to the notion that their sexuality belongs in the public domain instead of in the bedroom.

In today's public square, it has been decided that Christians have no right to foist their beliefs on others, but no such constraints shackle the gay activists, businesses and the old media who continue to thrust their demeaning view of sex into the face of every American.

Sex sells. Appealing to base instincts, prurience and scandal will always find an audience in those that need to see ugliness in others in order to feel better about themselves. The silver lining is, at least now we'll be able to identify those sad souls. They're the ones wearing Calivn Klein jeans and stuffing Burger King 7 inchers into their mouths.

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Nancy Morgan is a former producer of conservative programming and a refugee from Los Angeles. She now lives happily in a small town in South Carolina where she edits the conservative newsite and writes a weekly column. She has been involved in conservative activism since 1992.



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