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On Perverts and Federal Judges

by: tim dunkin | published: 04 14, 2013

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It’s common for conservatives and liberty lovers to complain about activist judges and the left-wing judiciary. Nearly all of the time, these criticisms are completely warranted. One such case that anybody with any sense can recognize as a gross overreach of judicial power, as well as simply a disgustingly perverted opinion from the bench, is the recent case in which a federal judge struck down the 2011 Department of Health and Human Services ban on the sale of levonorgestrel-based “emergency contraception” (i.e. the morning-after pill) to those who are 16 years old or under. 

A federal judge has ordered the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to lift age and other restrictions on the sale of the morning-after pill, making the drug available over the counter and to women of all ages.

The ruling by U.S. District Court Judge Edward Korman reverses a 2011 decision by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius not to allow the sale of emergency contraception without a prescription for women 16 and younger.

The news will likely prompt a backlash from conservative groups that oppose young women's access to birth control without the involvement of their parents. Many of these groups also see the morning-after pill as equal to abortion.”

“Women 16 and younger.” There’s another term for those. 
They’re called “girls.” 

And when they’re 16, they’re also called “illegal,” at least in most states, and when they’re “younger” they definitely are in every state in the union.

So why did Judge Korman singlehandedly decide to make policy for the entire nation in such a way as to make it easier for pedophiles to victimize young teenage girls and then cover up the potential evidence for their crimes?

Let’s face it – despite all of the hullabaloo about abortion “rights” and “emergency” remedies, the practical effect of this ruling will be that teenage girls will more easily be made into quarry for ephebophilic hunters in our increasingly sick and twisted society. According to one report from the Department of Health and Human Service, 13% of teenage girls experienced their first sexual encounter in what would qualify as “statutory rape” circumstances, and it was also found that the younger a girl was during her first sexual experience, the more likely it was that her encounter qualified as statutory rape of a minor. To put it at a more personal level – 13% of the daughters and sisters out there have been taken advantage of sexually by someone older than they are, often someone much older.

Our society is one in which the whole concept of young women (or young men, for that matter) maintaining their purity until marriage is not only mocked and ridiculed, but actively discouraged by those in power, whether governmental or in the media. For years, family and child advocates have decried the increasing sexualization of teenage, and even pre-teen, girls in media, advertising, and other information outlets. Our schools promote a brand of “sex ed” that encourages, rather than discourages, teenage “experimentation,” even as these same school officials complain about the problems of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Advocates of abstinence educations are accused of “injecting religion into the state,” even though a cursory application of common sense would suggest to even the non-religious that if you don’t want kids to get pregnant or have STDs, then maybe you shouldn’t encourage them to engage in the behavior that causes these things to happen.

So why is there such opposition to policies like abstinence education that seem to be exemplars of common sense? It comes down, really, to the socialist and left-wing attitude towards children and sexuality. In short, while conservatives and liberty lovers are generally against the corruption of our youth, those on the Left are actively for it, and have been for decades. It’s all a part of the cultural Marxism that the Left has been using to subvert bourgeoisie society. As far back as 1919, Hungarian socialist Georg Lukacs, during the short-lived Communist government that came to power in that country after World War I, used his position as the head of education to promote policies that actively sought to breakdown sexual mores among students. Promoting sexual experimentation is an actual policy approach in many socialist governments; for instance, Roland Huntford in his book about Sweden, The New Totalitarians, observed that Swedish schools made a point of encouraging teenagers to engage in unencumbered sexual activity, and that those who would not, for whatever reason, were pressured and socially sanctioned.

It comes as no surprise to see that the state of California leads the way on this. Just recently, a California Democrat proposed federal legislation that would apply California’s (currently invalidated) law against homosexual “conversion” therapy nationwide. The language of the bill is so broad in its use of the term “orientation,” (as was California’s original law) that pedophiles could end up being protected under it. Though the author of the bill, Jackie Speier (D-CA) denies that this is the intent of the bill, it nevertheless could end up protecting pedophiles from criticism or sanction against their behavior. After all, there has been a big push from those on the “sexual liberation Left” to recast pedophilia as just another orientation. As Wesley J. Smith points out, there has been a concerted effort all across the Western world, driven by “science,” to “normalize” pedophilia. In other words, those at the cutting edge of the “sexual revolution” want to legitimize sex with young children, and there are at least a few Democrats, as well as a Democrat-controlled state, who are already preparing the way for this to happen in the United States. 

Can we start referring to the Democrats as the “Pot and Pedo Party” now?

This leads us back to Judge Korman’s recent decision about the morning after pill. As the article above noted, girls of any age can now, without their parents’ approval, or presumably even their knowledge, obtain this pill and abort their hours-old babies, which in many cases will occur at the behest of an older man who wants to evade legal and financial difficulties. I fail to see how this ruling can do anything but increase the victimization of our children. But that’s not a problem for the left-wingers who, as we’ve seen, think that the earlier children start getting sexually active, the better, and who also believe that children belong to the state, rather than to their parents.

Indeed, this goes far beyond merely being a provincial “social conservative” issue. Ask yourself, why does the Left want to encourage teenagers to become sexually active? It has to do with the fact that kids who learn to be intemperate and self-gratifying in their formative years will grow up to be intemperate and self-gratifying as adults. As such, they will be much more likely to expect government to take care of their needs and wants instead of denying themselves what they can’t afford; they will support the left-wing social agenda in other areas; in essence, they will be more likely to support the Left culturally and electorally, which means that our nation will continue to see its social fabric ripped apart, even as we pile on trillions more in spending and debt – issues about which both “SoCons” and “FisCons” ought to be concerned. 

So what do we do? To address the direct issue at hand, we could start considering whether judicial review, as a concept, may be past its sell-by date, and start urging legislators to use their constitutional powers to rein in the judiciary. But closer to home, it really comes down to parents actually acting like parents and watching out for their kids’ best interests. Get your kids out of the public schools. Reassert your own parental rights to teach your kids what you want them to know, instead of what the radical Left wants to tell them. Teach your kids those “old-fashioned” morals that will instill in them self-control and keep them from long-term difficulties in life in the years to come. Ultimately – if we’re going to assert parental rights, then we need to practice parental responsibility. You cannot long have one without the other.     

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