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ObamaGov Establishing Islam as Official USA State Religion?

by: sher zieve | published: 08 18, 2010

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In contradiction to the US Constitution’s First Amendment referencing the prohibition of the US government’s establishment of a State religion, the Obama has decided to institute Islam’s “religion” Muslimism as the US’ first state-sponsored religion. As Islam is first and foremost a governmental/political system--with the “faithful” following its feudal tenets with Muslim worship of Allah--I suspect that the final overthrow of the US government’s Republic will be very soon. And, STILL no one is stopping the tyrant.

Why do I make these claims? Let’s take a look at what the dictator is now affecting. Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is the radical cleric who is spearheading the establishment of the 9/11 Islamic Victory Mosque (and suspected terrorist training center) at ground zero. Rauf is also the Imam sponsored by the Obama government’s State Department (paid for by the US taxpayer) to engage in a fundraising tour of Muslim countries for the Ground Zero Victory Mosque. Suffice it to say, this is illegal under the United States Constitution, as the tyrant is now effectively sponsoring Islam as the official “religion” if not governmental system of the soon-to-be-if-we-don’t-stop-him former United States of America.

No US President has sponsored a state-run religion. But, Islamist Usurper-and-Dictator-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama has now done so. Interestingly, since the Obama seizure of the White House, Muslims are allowed to pray when and where they will, while Christians are denied prayer or even the mention of Jesus more and more. This is what Islam does. It replaces and dominates, conquers and crushes every other religion and government system. And it now has a friend and fellow Muslim in the White House. Obama celebrates the Islamic holiday of Ramadan while shunning the Christian National Day of Prayer. At The Obama’s speeches from the White House, there are now fewer and fewer times that the United States flag is present. Note: Other than itself, Islam recognizes no form of government or national sovereignty. Islamic Shari’a law is already being established on the State, if not federal, court level and new Obama SCOTUS Associate Justice Elena Kagan supports it.

Aiding and abetting the Obama & Co criminal enterprise, the mainstream press (aka the ObamaMedia) largely refuses to report on any of these treasonous (that’s High Treason) actions. And it appears that the now being-replaced-by-only-Obama & Co Congressional members don’t care that they’re been pushed aside, as long as they can continue to steal from We-the-People and enrich themselves. After OUR country has been destroyed and Americans are in the chains of slavery (either figurative or literal), We-the-People will have no more power over our own lives. And Dhimmitude (the Islamic system of subjugating, controlling and extraordinarily taxing non-Muslim populations) will have been firmly established. Historically, Islam was heavily involved with the African slave-trade and still practices it, today, in both Sudan and Mauritania. Like Marxism, Islam is a patently feudal system. The rulers (Imams in Islam) are at the top and the serfs (the people) are at the bottom. There is little-to-nothing in-between; hence Obama’s obsession with the destruction of the US middle class.

Again, either We-the-People wake up fully to what is happening to our country and way of life and end the tyranny that is already upon us, or prepare ourselves for death or imprisonment. This is the truth and reality that the leftist media still refuse to report. And until they are directly and adversely affected, they won’t. It’s our choice. Do we fight or submit? That’s all that we have remaining, folks--that choice and prayer. Oh and by the way, the shout of “Allah Akbar” does not mean “God is great.” Rather, it means “Our God is greater [than yours].” Still think they worship the same God as do Jews and Christians? Better think again.

The Ground Zero Mosque - What Have We Not Been Told?:

Obama's State Department Bankrolls Ground Zero Imam Rauf's Middle East Fundraising Tour:

Shari’a law enters the US Court system:

Kagan supports Shari’a law:

The Status of Non-Muslim Minorities Under Islamic Rule:

The Arab Muslim Slave Trade Of Africans, The Untold Story:

Slavery in the Arab World (current):

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