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Not Your Grandfather’s Democrats!

Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country

by: jb williams | published: 10 30, 2008

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There are only three types of Obama – Biden supporters and the evidence is now conclusive that none of them are your grandfather’s Democrats!

1. The hate-filled anti-American Democratic Socialist base of today’s DNC

2. Folks that still vote Democrat because their grandfather did

3. Folks who watch too much left-wing television

In the last couple weeks, Obama has let the cat out of the bag. His life-long mentoring from communist community organizers like Frank Marshall Davis, Saul Alinsky, Williams Ayers and Rev. Wright is out in the open.

Obama’s socialist plan for massive central power, supposedly authorized by the voters, to confiscate the private property of some citizens in order to purchase the votes of others, with visions of dancing sugar-plums, is now the centerpiece of his entire campaign.

And Biden let the nation know that Obama’s “hit the rich” tax scheme is not really reserved for the super-wealthy. Yet many Americans still intend to vote for a man they know almost nothing about.

  • He has never proven his US citizenship, and he won’t. Why?
  • His Occidental, Columbia and Harvard records remain under lock and key. Why?
  • He has evaded questions about every known associate in his past. Why?
  • More than $200 million in foreign campaign contributions is secret. Why?
  • He has no executive experience and is only a freshman senator with no accomplishments on his empty résumé, and this isn’t the half of it!

Clearly NOT Your Grandfather’s Democrats!

Your grandfather’s Democrats were people like JFK who said - “Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country.” J.F. Kennedy

Obama only talks about what he can do to some Americans in order to buy the votes of people asking what their country can do for them!

Your grandfather voted for men like Harry Truman who said - “I always considered statesmen to be more expendable than soldiers.” Harry Truman

Obama has nothing good to say about soldiers, has voted against them repeatedly, says they can’t do their job and believes politicians are the answer to all problems, including those problems created by politicians.

Thomas Jefferson was one of your grandfather’s Democrats –

“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” Thomas Jefferson

Obama says all happiness depends upon you electing him to waste the labors of targeted citizens under the guise of taking care of you.

Andrew Jackson was your great-great-great grandfather’s Democrat – “The duty of government is to leave commerce to its own capital and credit as well as all other branches of business, protecting all in their legal pursuits, granting exclusive privileges to none.” Andrew Jackson

Obama promises even more government control of commerce and capital than we already have, as he sees private free enterprise as an evil and socialism as the solution.

No sir... These are NOT your grandfather’s Democrats at all!

So what kind of Americans can support such a leftist anti-American candidate for President of the United States?

The kind of Americans who hate America, economic freedom and personal liberty and live for the day they can see Lady Liberty on her knees begging foreign thugs for her very existence. The Americans that have been indoctrinated to believe that capitalism (economic liberty) is the root of all evil in the world and that tyrannical global socialism under Obamessiah is the cure...

I have written political columns for almost twelve years now. I get hundreds of reader emails every day from across the political spectrum and all over the world. But I have never received mail like that received from Obama – Biden supporters.

Here are just a few of the latest emails I have received from Obama – Biden supporters. A few will do, as they all read pretty much the same, as if taken from the same talking points memo, hate-filled four-letter words and all...

FROM: No Name in Oklahoma

“You are crazy as a loon, sir! You're in serious need of medical treatment and probably a regimen of psychotropic drugs. The American political process is going to turn out the Republicans in a huge way this time. Get over it.”

FROM: No name – no location

“super - you people who are filled with hate can stew in your own juices... this is insanity!

Bush has perpetuated some of the worst crimes in American history over the past 8 years. McCain believes in pre-emptive global war. We're in a war in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and now Syria. He's already provoked Spain, Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela, North Korea, and Russia.

Have you even bothered to read You're as bad as McCarthy and its disgusting.”

FROM: Ty Karin – New England

“Obama supporters are not blind to what is going on. The questions have all been raised and answers have been provided. The republicans are responsible for taking away our rights through illegal wire tapping, rendition, signing statements, and the post 9/11 laws. So you can't say Obama is going to do more the Bush has already done. Signed someone who voted for Bush the last 2 f**king times.”

FROM: Eric Stevens

You know, write about your ownf**king country and its problems instead of what goes on in America. You are the stupid one.

FROM: No Name, who even hosts a web-site dedicated to calling me names

“Apparently, JB wants the bast**d child of John Wayne, James Bond, Mata Hari and Charles Bronson to be president. Once again…and not to put too fine a point on it…it wasn’t the Democrats who got America in this f**king mess. It was fear-mongering, flag-waving f**ktards just like JB. - Go f**k yourself, a**hole.

These are examples of mail I receive daily from the standard Obama supporter. At least the type-one Obama supporters who know full well that they are supporting a wholly anti-American regime-change in America.

Type 2 Obama Supporters

Type 2 Obama supporters are Democrats who have voted Democrat all their lives, beleiving that the Democrat Party is still the party of the “average American”, even though they just watched their party hijack the nomination from Hillary Clinton, who had 500,000 more supporters than Obama at the time.

Even after the DNC threw out all Florida and Michigan Democrat voters because the state party powers wouldn’t succumb to DNC national pressure to get behind Obama, these voters just can’t imagine that their party has been hijacked by the far-left extreme element of the party.

They know that Obama is selling socialism, and that Obama and Biden are caught in more lies than Bill Clinton. But they have never voted Republican in their life and they just don’t know what to do next.

Type 3 Obama Supporters

Moderate Democrats, Independents and some Republicans who are not excited about McCain because they don’t agree with McCain 100% on the issues. They know that Obama can never be half the American that John McCain has been all of his life. But they are upset with Mccain on a few things...

They only know what the Obama press has been willing to tell them about Obama, which isn’t much, since most members of the press are also members of the Democratic Socialist movement behind the Obama campaign. That includes the Annenberg Foudnation that once employed Barack Obama and now owns and operates

The press told us more about Joe the Plumber in 24 hours than they have told us about Obama over a two year campaign. They haven’t even asked him about his missing birth certificate, let alone his laundry list of evil associates.

As I write, the LA Times is sitting on a damning video of Obama that they won’t release until after the election.

Only in the last week has any news reporter asked the Obama campaign any probing questions and then, it was regional reporters, not national news rooms.

People who will vote on the basis of what they have gleened from the national press corp will likely vote for Obama, since most of the national airwaves are run by Obama supporters and no national news agency has made any effort to challenge even the most obvious Obama – Biden lies.

Together, these three types of Obama supporters make up the Obama effort to hijack America.

One Last Major Player in 2008

Americans that tilt conservative have been angered by Bush appeasement policies over the last few years. From illegal immigration to excessive social spending and a lack of backbone in challenging the leftists across the congressional aisle has left many conservatives on the sidelines in this election cycle.

Some promise to sit this one out, while others have bolted to third party protest votes. Some have gone so far as to line up behind Obama just to toss the nation off the leftist cliff in order to scare the country back to its moral and conservative roots.

These folks believe that America can survive four years of an Obama administration with leftist control of congress and the courts. That is a fatally flawed assumption under the current circumstances.

Based on the current Democrat-manufactured financial crisis, Obama’s promise to retreat from the ongoing war on terror, his promise to bankrupt “the rich” in order to buy votes from the “have-nots,” and his promise to offer life-time Supreme Court apointments to three left-wing activists, I’d say America has no chance of surviving even one year under Obama and Biden.

These folks are gambling with the future of our nation. Most of them agree with McCain on 60% or more of the issues. They are promising to take the gamble over the 40% they disagree with.

It is truly a perfect storm. When all factors are considered, the least qualified mystery man to ever seek national office in this nation has a real shot at winning the brass ring.

But make no mistake.... It won’t be your grandfather’s Democrats in control of this nation if Obama wins.

It is Democratcs like William Ayers, Frank Marshall Davis, Saul Alinsky, Dr.Khalid Al Mansour, Tony Rezko, Rashid Khalidi and Rev. Wright who will be taking charge in January. It will be folks like those who write me foul mouthed hate mail daily. Those who demand tolerance of their anti-American ideas, but show no tolerance for any founding American principles.

Americans have the power to put them in power. Just know who it is we are talking about!

Arabs: Obama ‘One of Us’

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