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New Democrat Thoroughbred, Or Just Another Jackass?

Folks around the globe who don’t like America much seem to like Obama just fine

by: jb williams | published: 07 28, 2008

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As I watched last week’s campaign spectacle, our illustrious American press corps fawning like a bunch of eight year old girls at a Miley Cyrus concert, over the DNC’s empty suit international Messiah on tour, I found myself pondering…

I don’t know which I find more disturbing?

a)     The fact that Obama is so popular with international socialists who hope to see America knocked off its perch as the last remaining super-power,

b)    The fact that he had to rely on beer, brats and a free rock concert in order to create that impression,

c)     Or that the crowds were full of the same foul mouthed 19 year old children he draws in the states…

I had to settle on (d), all of the above…

Clearly, folks around the globe who don’t like America much seem to like Obama just fine. What should I take from that?

If it had been McCain on tour, the headlines would have read “Old man interrupts free rock concert to foolishly talk American politics in Germany, and nobody knows why.” But since it’s the Obamessiah, the headlines are “Obama draws 200,000 in Germany!” (No mention of the beer, brats or rock concert)

What does it all mean though?

Obama didn’t seem to get much of a bounce in the polls, considering every TV network in American was 24/7 ObamaTV all week long. In fact, some polls indicate that his international pander-fest might have cost him a point or two back home.

It didn’t help much that while he was campaigning for international money and support abroad, his fellow Democrats were back home poking angry voters in the eye by continuing to hold domestic oil production hostage, guaranteeing high gas prices through the election cycle.

How are voters reacting to it all?

According the latest Rasmussen report[1], only 32% of voters expected Obama to learn anything on his “fact finding” tour. 40% said his mind was made up long before he sought any facts and that no mountain of facts would change his mind. It appears that the 40% won that one!

Like 90% of military experts, Gen. David H. Petraeus, the U.S. commander in Iraq with whom he met, opposes a withdraw timeline of any kind. But at a press conference in Jordan on Tuesday, Obama defended his plan to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq over a 16-month period, regardless of how military commanders on the ground feel about it.

Obama outlined these positions in the days prior to his visit to Iraq and the opposing facts on the ground have changed nothing.

Dixie Chick Syndrome

74% of Republicans say it is not right for a candidate to make political statements contrary to government policy while in a war zone. Only 40% of Democrats disagree, while nearly as many Democrats (38%) agree with the overwhelming majority of Republicans, as do 50% of unaffiliated voters.

The week before his trip, 41% of voters said Obama was too inexperienced to be president. By the end of his week long international pander-fest, that number became 45%.

Rasmussen polls show that “slightly more than half (53%) of Americans in the new poll do not approve of candidates making statements contrary to U.S. government policy while visiting U.S. troops in a war zone. Only 29% believe that it’s okay to do so.”

This isn’t just bad numbers for Obama, but for every Democrat who has spent the last seven years traveling abroad to undermine official U.S. policy. If Democrats keep it up, American voters could give Democrats the same fate they gave the Dixie Chicks not so long ago…

Only 39% of Democrats say Obama’s travels this week make him more qualified to be president. Eighty-six percent (86%) of Republicans and 67% of unaffiliated voters feel the same way. Of course, 39% of Democrats believe whatever they are told to believe. Republicans and unaffiliated voters seem to be thinking again.

New Breed of Thoroughbred?

Obama is fast out of the gate, for sure. But as American voters get to see him perform in different settings, he begins to look more and more like just another self-absorbed jackass. His “learning trip” has taught him nothing. Have you ever tried to teach a jackass new tricks?

Even if we ignore the free concert and concede that he is indeed hugely popular in Europe and the Middle East, what does that say to American voters?

Analysts say [2] America's image problem is pervasive, deep and perhaps permanent, an inevitable outcome of being the world's only superpower.” The Pew report states that “Majorities around the world think Americans are greedy, violent and rude, and fewer than half in countries like Poland, Spain, Canada, China and Russia think Americans are honest.”

The problem, Stokes said, "is Americans, not just (President) Bush." More than half of those asked in France, Germany, Italy, Canada and Britain said the "spread of American ideas and customs" was a "bad thing."

So, what kinds of “change” do Obama fans around the world think Obama will force upon Americans?

And, how does this set with American voters?

A separate Rasmussen survey says “Fifty-eight percent (58%) of likely Obama voters say he will learn from his trip to Iraq.” But what did he learn?

Israel told Obama to stick with the Bush plan. Military commanders on the ground told Obama not to set any arbitrary withdrawal timelines. The Chancellor of Germany and President of France both told Obama that they support Bush foreign policies; including the fact that Iran can NOT be allowed under any circumstances to acquire nuclear capabilities.

According to Obama and his campaign minions, all of them are wrong and Obama is committed to a new course at odds with all of their advice. So, what did he learn on his “fact finding” tour?

What was supposed to be a “listen and learn” tour was actually an “ignore and pander to all sides” tour.

That means the 66% of potential McCain supporters who say Obama made up his mind before traveling, are correct. Obama did too much talking and not enough listening on the tour. As a result, the 41% who thought Obama was too inexperienced to become president the week before the trip became 45% by the end of the trip.

This also explains why 46% say McCain is overall, the better potential leader as opposed to the 36% who think Obama is. On Iraq, 49% trust McCain while only 37% trust Obama. That’s because McCain has enough military and war experience to listen to commanders on the ground and Obama doesn’t.

51% now say they think the U.S. is “winning the war on terror” and as a result, national security is another McCain advantage by a 48% to 41% margin over Obama.

Still, 24/7 network Obamaganda is keeping the empty suit from Chicago in the race and we shouldn’t expect that to change between now and November.

When appearing before his sycophants, Obama holds the line on cutting and running in Iraq and he uses the need for a “troop surge” in Afghanistan to justify the premature withdrawal from Iraq, a strategy he claims failed in Iraq. But at the same time, he is telling world leaders and the international press, “Conditions on the ground to dictate troop levels in Iraq![3]

Reuters reports, “Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said in an interview published on Saturday the size of a residual U.S. force left in Iraq after the withdrawal of combat troops would be entirely conditions-based.” This is exactly what Bush, the Joint Chiefs and McCain have been saying for months now. Is Obama adopting Bush doctrine?

If troops in theater will be “entirely conditions-based,” what arbitrary “troop withdrawal” is he talking about?

It appears that Obama will have the support of approximately 39% of American voters no matter what an ass he makes of himself on vital issues. But…

Is Obama Just Another Jackass?

You bet! Stubbornly committed to ill-informed judgments on issues he is clearly too inexperienced to handle. If this isn’t the definition of jackass, it should be. New thoroughbred my ass….

If he were running for internationally elected dictator of the One World Order, maybe. But President of the United States? Get real! After dissing both troops and reporters, even the lamestream Obama honeymoon may soon be over![4]





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