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Message to McCain

Strap up – You’re at War!

by: jb williams | published: 10 05, 2008

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Those of us who follow American politics closely, knew some time ago that the 2008 election cycle was going to be an all out culture war between Americans who have been trained to see the elitist central power in Washington DC as the socialist solution to every problem, and those who know that the secular socialists running Washington DC today, are the problem.

We know that it is Obamamania vs. America

We also knew that the American press has been in the tank for the left for years and that the Republican Party had been weakened by “Big Tent” tolerance of leftist causes masquerading as moderate liberalism.

We knew that too many years of Republican compromise at gun point, had placed doubts in the minds of every traditional American, about the Republican Party’s ability to carry the mantle of traditional American values into the twenty first century.

Well, here we are Mr. McCain

The 2008 election is in its final campaign month and it has clearly boiled down to an extreme left option, new Democratic Socialist of America “Messiah” Barack Hussein Obama and his thirty five year never-has-been running mate Joe Biden, who represent everything America is not... and you.

Many friends and readers wrote me after your first debate with Obambi and asked what I would tell you if given the chance. After thinking about that question for a few moments, I responded as follows...

I would tell McCain to never call himself a maverick again, until he demonstrates that he is prepared to be a maverick defender of freedom and truth again...

I'd tell him to take off the gloves and realize that America is in a fight for its very existence. That he is the only individual at this moment in history who has the power to stop the lying leftists from hijacking the greatest nation on earth and turning it into an irreversible cesspool of secular socialist crime and corruption that will end with every decent American in a soup line, unarmed and helpless.

I'd remind him that the courage required to stand up and call his opponents by their proper name, anti-American secular socialist liars, is nothing compared to the courage it took to survive five and a half years of torture in the Hanoi Hilton...

I'd tell him that his moment to be everything he has ever wanted to be to his country, has arrived.

I'd point out that nobody can take away what he did for his country thirty years ago, but that what he must do for his country today, matters much more. America’s very existence is at stake.

That this nation will not survive even one Obama-Biden administration and that if he doesn't drop the tired gentle old man act and fast, he won't survive this campaign and Obama will be the first Arab Muslim Communist to ever sit in the Oval Office of the United States of America.

I'd tell him to strap up, because we are at war. Not just with a handful of Arab thugs half a world away, but with anti-American socialists that sit right across the aisle, many of them, folks he has foolishly reached out to in the past.

I'd tell McCain that the Oval Office belongs to those able to lead. - and that if Obama is indeed better prepared to lead this nation to hell than McCain is to lead it back to freedom, then to hell it will be... His opponents will stop at nothing to win. He must stop at nothing to defeat them.

I’d say that the time to be the maverick John McCain, to stand up for average Americans who still love their flag, their soldiers, their founding documents, their bible, life, liberty and the right to define and pursue happiness under their own steam without government intrusion or penalty, and to call out the liars across the aisle and tell American voters the truth about your opponents, is here - NOW!

I’d tell McCain that REAL Americans are afraid that nobody speaks for them anymore, including McCain and that he can not afford to stand idly by as his opponents tell lie after lie about their own positions, or McCain and Palin’s record, and about our country, as well as those who defend her. Every time the left tells a lie, McCain must smash them in the mouth, in front of God and the world!

It’s time to stand up and fight like the heroic patriot you have always been, because if John McCain isn’t the next president of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama will be. And even though diplomatic statesmanship demands a certain level of proper decorum, we can never be so kind as to let a single lie stand unchallenged.

Enough is enough! John McCain is the only American in a position to save this nation from the most far left unqualified and evil Democrat ticket ever to seek the highest office in the land. The time for gentle tolerance of their lies has passed... Push has come to shove and we need the McCain who survived the Hanoi Hilton to stand and fight.

We knew that Barack Obama would be “the 2008 chosen one” in 2004, when the man from nowhere who had done nothing, was asked to be the keynote speaker at the DNC Kerry convention. We have since learned that even juggernaut Hillary Clinton and all of her supporters (which outnumbered Obama supporters) could not stop the race baiting national train wreck called Obama.

The left-wing movement to seat Obama is massive and they play by only one rule - win at any cost...

The work of international socialists is all but complete.

In a 1985 interview, former Russian KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov explained how America would be brought to a moment in history when useful idiots on the left would take control of the most powerful free nation on earth, after decades of indoctrination. Here’s the interview... watch it, and learn what America is up against, because the mission will be complete with the election of Obama-Biden. We are at the crossroads... Obama supporters will not watch any of these videos or tolerate any hard facts. But the rest of America MUST inform itself quickly!

In short, a demoralized nation no longer able to discern fact from fiction or fundamental right from wrong, more impressed by elitist intellectual “Messiahs” than basic common sense, become fit tools for the destruction of freedom from within. This is what McCain and Palin, as well as all other traditional Americans are up against in this election.

The lie that McCain and Palin are no different, no better than Obama-Biden in this regard, is maybe the greatest lie ever told to American voters. The differences are stark to anyone not yet fully indoctrinated by a sea of leftist intellectual lies.

Mr. McCain – You are the only man in America at this moment in history who can keep Barack Hussein Obama from stealing this election and putting a final nail in the coffin of American freedom and liberty. As both Obama and Biden have now stated, “federal redistribution of wealth is not communism or socialism, we call it fairness!” Well, Marx, Lenin and Stalin know what it is, even if Obama, Biden and their useful idiots don’t!

The time for tolerance is over.

The time for standing silent in the face of outright lies has passed.

Your time at the Hanoi Hilton will be for nothing if your country is allowed to fall to these anti-American leftists in 2008. Stand up and fight for those of us who have fought for you!

You need every Republican in the booth on Election Day. You need every pro-American Independent and Democrat you can muster as well. But don’t make the mistake of pandering to leftist notions in an effort to get them. You will NEVER get a single vote from the left...

You need every American on Election Day. And every American needs you out there challenging the lies between now and Election Day. You have two more debates in which you will stand beside the greatest liar of this generation. DO NOT allow him to get away with one more lie!

DO NOT PLAY IT SAFE down the middle of the track or the massive Obama locomotive will run you over!

Your country needs you more than ever. There is no one else to call upon in this hour. Stand up and fight for us now! Please... 

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