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Islama-phobia or Obama-phobia? The Trillion Dollar Question.

by: bruce nix | published: 08 24, 2010

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What is it really? Are we working our selves up in a frenzy over a fear of Islam, or is it a result of our distrust of Obama? That is the million dollar question or should I say; trillion dollar question. Probably the latter.

I think that the current controversy is a little too convenient, considering what is currently at the forefront of the nations attention. I don't know about you, but this administration and it's policies, are like a top fuel dragster headed down the speedway, completely out of control and we as spectators, are directly in it's path. The only possible result is utter catastrophe. Now this Imam in New york is gathering the attention of the nation, while who knows what, happens behind our back. Kind of like the smoke and mirror tricks that they have used against us from the beginning, only now we are on to their game. If indeed it were a game. Folks, this is serious business' and it is going on right in front of our very eyes. Downright scary

The nation that we know as the United States of America is at risk of losing it's democracy. Only this time, instead of a foreign power trying to destroy us, our very own leadership is behind it. I have tried to look at all that has occurred in the short eighteen months that this administration has been in power and I can only come to one conclusion, they are trying to bring this nation down to it's knees and along the way, they are telling us that all is well, that this is necessary because we are in a crisis.

The most radical legislation in the history of Congress has been pushed through against the will of the American people. Our government has been hijacked. They just keep on passing this garbage and all the while, they are telling us that it is necessary for the good of the country. Obama-care was slammed down our throats and we dared not speak out against it. Pelosi and her minions locked arms and walked belligerently through the people gathered to oppose it. Their actions that day were startling to say the very least. One bad bill after another, literally slammed down our throats, with words attached to them like; “We have to pass it to find out whats in it.” What kind of crap is that?

This country is divided as never before and all of it is a direct result of government policy. Are they trying to cause civil unrest? They are sure getting it. It's like they keep drawing a line in the sand and challenging us to cross it! Like the bully on the block, daring us to do something about it.

This mosque issue, should not even be an issue. Where are the leaders who should be standing up and saying not only NO, but HELL NO! Where are their balls? Do they have any at all? What is wrong with the leadership of this great nation? Where have all of the PATRIOTS gone to? Do any of them in DC, even care about their own country? Any of them?

Obama-care stank like fresh manure, from the very beginning and like a bunch of mindless idiots, they passed it anyways. The TARP bill was ill conceived and yet, just like Emeril Lagasse;“BAMMM!” There it was. We never had a chance.

We the people, are now completely at the mercy of this bunch of lunatics in charge and all the while they look down on us with utter contempt. Harry Reid, chief thug in charge looks upon us, as though we are insects and he is the big thumb. It is infuriating. What has happened in this short time to the country that I know? The people standing up to this mosque, are now being compared to NAZIS! How can this be? Have they forgotten what is not there any more? Have they forgotten how many of us were slaughtered there on 9-11?

Now there is a back-lash. Have they miscalculated? Not only have the people been pushing back, but the individual states are pushing back against this insanity. Lawsuits are popping up everywhere and there is talk of repealing Obama-care, much to the chagrin of this administration, who now appears to see that the same old lines that they have been sending our way are no longer effective. We are not as stupid as they believe us to be.

Who should we fear? The Imam or Obama? I think that the least of our worries is this Imam. We have two more years of this president and I for one am worried. What is next?

November offers a glimmer of hope to a beleaguered nation and it will not come soon enough. Send those treacherous men in Washington a clear message on the 2nd. WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH! You work for us! I hope that all will see how easily freedom can be lost as a result of all of this turmoil and never allow this to happen again. Hope and Change. I don't know about you but, I have all of that I can stand!

For the first time in a very long time, the basic freedoms that we have enjoyed as a free nation, are at stake.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.“

~ Preamble to The Declaration of Independence. July 4, 1776 ~



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    m.r X

    You are all talking shit america is for everyone .and america is for the red indians in realitty not yours or mine

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    Can't bring up the past about the last administration?!!!
    Bullpucky. The past does matter. Especially when Republican's trash this president for spending so much when it was the Bush administration spending like a drunken sailor. But now there's a black liberal as president and all of a sudden we're becoming a socialist state?! Give me a break! But it's ok to give millionaires tax breaks but not unemployment benefits to people who lost their jobs due to financial institutions fixing the game on wall street so they can get their billions in bonuses? The Republican party is bankrupt on moral values. I'm not enthralled with the Democrats. I think they should have done more. Instead they are mostly republican lite. But if my choice is to vote for extremist religious racists or someone who might do the right thing for the average American, I know how I will vote. Hey, good luck with Sharron Angle, Christine O'Donnell, Joe Miller and all the other "Tea Party" extremists. And Palin as president? Ha ha ha ha. The fact that so many of you are enthralled by empty headed ego maniacs just shows how critical thinking has gone out the window. So, let me get this straight. When your guy does it, no big deal. When our guy does it the world is going to end. Ok, now we understand your rules. We'll we're not going to play by your rules. My prediction for NOvember. NO seats gained by the party of NO.

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    Bruce N.

    I think that the people that helped this President become president are now having a bad case of buyer's remorse. It is evident in all of the polls that crop up almost on a daily basis. Washington is clearly out of touch with mainstream Americans and the powers that be in DC are pushing an agenda along with reckless spending measures that even the very group of non-partisans that helped smooth his Obama-care over by crunching the numbers (the CBO) states that the course that we are on is un-sustainable. The sad part is that they knew that from the beginning and false information was passed on to the people of this country to pass an illegitimate bill.

    Those who cannot see the path that this administration is taking us down, are clearly un-informed. A little bit of research will set the record straight for all who will use common sense.

    To continue to point fingers at past administrations is pointless. This administration is two years into office and all of those vain attempts to throw blame on GW Bush are an exercise in futility. When is PBO going to take responsibility for his actions as President?

    Spending above your means or above the working peoples tax contributions is insane. They are bankrupting this great nation. This President has spent more of our hard earned taxpayers in less than two years, than any President in the history of this country's existence. The sad part that most people who know nothing of economics, do not understand, is the simple fact that the money he is wasting, is not his or theirs to waste. It is OUR money. The taxpayers. It should be a crime to lead this nation into the dire financial state that it is headed.

    It makes little or no difference whether you are Democrat, Republican, Independent or not of this earth, you should have the ability to reason this out for yourself.

    Entitlement programs of which this administration is digging us ever deeper into, are destroying Europe. If you want a role model look no further than Greece. The EU is in its death-throws over entitlements and are backing away from this form of government because they have to.

    As far as Islam, that will be left up to the history books to decide. That being said, this nation was founded on Christian values, not Muslim.

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    Bob S.

    Scare, scare, scary.
    What if it were a christian church being proposed near (what, two blocks away) ground zero and people started throwing a fit? Would that be ok?
    You make me sick. Hypocrites 'till the end. You talk about an entitlement nation and then act as if your entitled to run the country even though your party lost. And where were your criticisms of Bush's Patriot Act, torture, spending like there was no tomorrow? Crows have come to roost and you don't like it? I remember when Bush was selected by the Supreme Court. I was told if I didn't like it I could leave America. Hmm. If Obama had been selected by the Supreme Court, what do you think would happen? You'd all go nuts and there would be another civil war. Well, I extend to you the same option you gave me. You don't like Obam as your president? Go live somewhere else. We, the people, are already taking our country back from the extremist and the corporations.

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    Ed F.

    I myself do not understand what we, as Americans are doing standing still and letting this government destroy our F-R-E-E-D-O-M-S as we know them. What happened to our patriotic duty to defend our Nations Declaration of Indepentence. We can't even speak our concerns about this mosque at ground zero without our own Commander-In- Chief and Speaker of the House calling us unpatriotic. It is unpatriotic for us to encourage immigrations laws that will protect our borders because our Commander-In-Chief will sue us for trying to protect our borders from illegals that will enter and vote for his agenda. This our Country not Hussein or pelosi's, come together and voice your concerns whenever and where ever you can.
    Tell your friends and families that mid-term elections is almost here.

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