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Calling All New Americans

by: lisa fabrizio | published: 07 30, 2009

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The news from Washington, DC has not been good for the president and his party this week. With his personal approval numbers dipping below 50 per cent for the first time since his election, public support for his signature programs dwindling rapidly and a Blue Dog rebellion among Democrats in Congress, things are not going as planned for Barack Obama and friends.

Yet ‘independent’ pollster John Zogby has seen fit to opine that it is the Republican Party that may be “teetering on the brink” of extinction, noting that they are "swimming against the tide of demography." Now I may not be an expert on the fine art of polling, but the fact that Nancy Pelosi et al, are trying to push through a vote on so-called healthcare reform before the August recess tells me that they fear hearing the wrath of the people when they descend from their ivory towers and return home.

Still, Zogby does have a point: the Republican Party, in its usual state of inexplicable inertia has chosen to retreat and pander rather than to speak to its conservative base and to those who might otherwise be attracted to it. Instead of trying to draw Latinos and other immigrants to the party by trumpeting the differences between them and the Democrats, they merely show themselves to be weak and meek imitators of same. Add to this the media’s long and constant disinformation campaign--that Republicans hate immigrants and minorities--and it must be acknowledged that a problem does exist.

So how can the Grand Old Party stem the tide and attract these burgeoning demographic groups? By getting someone--Sarah, are you listening?--to stand up and say something along the following line to all Americans and in particular to those legally seeking to become citizens:

We welcome all you who have come to these blessed shores in search of a better way of life for you and for your posterity; you who seek the American dream. And guess what? We are the folks who can still see that dream and the ways in which it might yet be attained by those who desire it.

The Democrats have been engaged in the decades-old pursuit of trashing that dream here at home and around the world--indeed, our current president has made a cottage industry out of it. Yet still you come; so your beliefs must be more in line with those who share your dream rather than those who disparage it.

In seeking to undermine the America you came here to find, Democrats are in the process of nationalizing the industries that are the engine of our economic prosperity. Their attachment to socialism--a failed economic system that many of you fled from--is a malady that, if left unchecked, will take us all down. Not content only to go after the industries themselves, they have managed to create a culture that stifles initiative among our young people and others whom they need to keep as second-class citizens, and therefore welcome seekers of government largesse.

They are undermining our morals by insisting that there are no objective truths; that everyone should define right and wrong based on their own perceived victimhood; that the belief that America has been a force for good in the world is just so much hokum. The notion of personal responsibility that made this country good and great cannot survive without truths that are self-evident. It is the Republican Party that still supports the idea of American exceptionalism; a belief you apparently share or you wouldn’t be here.

Similarly, those on the left seek to use your children by keeping them immersed in a culture that you risked everything to escape, by encouraging them to live the rest of their lives on the outside of the American dream; still speaking the language of their past rather than achieving proficiency in the language of their future. Again, by keeping you and your children as victimized outsiders, they can keep you from assimilating into the kind of Americans who braved the oceans before you to make this country great.

American liberals have sought to remove God from our national identity; the God most of you Hispanics and Haitians still worship with reverence, awe and thanksgiving for your delivery from the poverty and despair of your homelands. They seek to limit the size of your population by encouraging you to deny your faith and join a party that openly and aggressively promotes the murder of your unborn children; an abominable sin that in itself should preclude your identification with them.

In short, the Democratic Party represents most everything that you are not; worse, they seek to destroy everything that you came here to find. Indeed, if left to their own devices they would turn America into the banana republics and third-world nations many of you happily left behind.

So be true to the dreams and aspirations that drew you to this beautiful and bounteous land. Side with the people who share those dreams and don’t be afraid to shout with them from the rooftops, “May God continue to bless America.”

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